
Intuitive Guidance
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Intuitive 3-Card Tarot Readings

Answer your most pressing Q’s
with intuitively divined A’s

Think about the stars you see blinking back at you in the dead of night.
They burn so hot, so brightly that we can see them clear from our own little solar system
in our own galaxy–one forever away from their own.

Do you think the stars have any concept of how their brightness can be seen from light years and light years away?
Do know how brightly you are meant to shine as your full and most powerful self?

Well, there’s a light inside you that burns just as bright as those distant stars but much closer to home…
And I’m here to help you uncover that light.
To find out the best ways to help you shine through whatever you’re facing.
To find clarity in your situation and peace in moving forward in a positive light.
To shine the light in your dark spaces and blocks that keep you stuck in inaction
and wondering if you’re doing the best thing for you.
To help you shift what needs shifting so your light can shine that much brighter—thus impacting wonderful change
both in your life and the world around you.

My name is Kaelyn, and I help you shine this light on your life through intuitive readings using tarot and oracle cards, as well as divine downloads to help you understand who, what and where you are so you can take positive action towards your highest good.

My goal is to guide you back to your inner truth with my intuitive and psychic gifts, most often paired with a tarot deck, to highlight symbolism, numerology, and images in ways that highlight your possibilities and potential, as well as make your situation more clear. My ultimate aim is to inspire action and change so you can make your life exactly how you envision it.

My hidden agenda is for you to begin to trust your heart, intuition and, instincts more… Shhh! 
Our best source of wisdom is ourselves because only you have experienced your life.

The universe tries to reach us in so many ways. This is something I’m keenly aware of. And I can tap into that energy as well as your energy to read into whatever it is you seek surrounding your life journey. I give you that needed perspective and guidance with all the love and illumination possible, but with no beating around the bush. I want to help ground you and inspire you to take action that’s aligned with your values to help carve out your life on your own terms.

Here is one of my tarot truths: the cards reflect what you know deep down inside… And they always know. I’m often blown away by the messages they often share with me, whether I’m reading for myself or someone else. To find out my philosophy and how I work with tarot, read more here. Tarot can also uncovers things you may not be aware of, and I often have people asking me how I know certain things about them based on just looking at rectangular pieces of parchment.

One: I just know.
Two: The cards are reflecting your truth to me.

So… why should you have an intuitive tarot reading? Here are just a few examples:

  • You’re looking for answers about a situation you’re in and how to navigate it.
  • You wish to understand a relationship with someone (or even yourself) better.
  • You want to better see where you have been, where you are, where you’re going and what challenges you’ll face.
  • Your life purpose isn’t clear to you.
  • Something is missing and you don’t know what to do or change to fill that void.
  • Or you simply want to know what messages the universe or your angels have for you!

Ultimately, I want to reflect the inner light that you have back at you so you know how powerful you really can be. 
To show you that you can take control of your life and your energy.

Book your 3-card tarot reading by clicking here to begin the journey of understanding your situation better…
and in trusting yourself again.

We all should play an active role in our lives, and through my intuitive readings, my role is to inspire you to take positive action by unveiling your own potential and possibilities. That way you’re not just drifting by on a piece of bark on the river of life, but instead building a killer boat to maneuver it how you want.

In the end, it’s up to you to do with the information what you will.
“If it’s to be, it’s up to me and my committed action.”

After all, it’s up to you to take action in your life, right? If you don’t make that call, no one else will do it for you. 

There’s that thing called free will or free agency that allows us to choose what we make of our life on earth. When you know what’s going on internally (because heaven knows that we are human and have a multitude of happenings in our brains, emotions, and spirits)… then you can better address what needs addressing. Sometimes we don’t realize what we need to know; we may only have an inkling and crave that permission to take action on it. It can be helpful to have a source outside of ourselves that can guide us or give us the answers we need to move forward. To have that confirmation that what we thought we knew is true (or not).

I just want to help inspire you to find that light and magic within yourself that tells you that you can take the reins in your life and charge forward a little more confidently. My methods of intuitive interpretation involve tarot, astrology, Human Design, numerology, and automatic writing, as well as asking my guides, angels and God for answers in meditation and prayer during the process.

Here’s how the process works to book your personal tarot reading in exchange for $25:

  1. Fill out the form below completely and hit submit.
  2. Once submitted, you’ll be taken to our payment platform, Wave, to make a $25 payment to confirm your reading.
    (Debit/Credit/ACH accepted via Wave.)
  3. You’ll receive a confirmation email from SST to let you know your reading submission was received.
  4. In 5-7 business days, you will receive your personal reading in the form of a PDF, which you can mark up, take notes on, and highlight to your heart’s content, along with any images of the cards from your spread.

Ready to get started? 🙂

Interested in a 3-card tarot reading?
Fill out the brief form below to get started!

To confirm you are over 18 years of age, and for other goodies!
For fun! And for picking your tarot deck. 😉
If you want an open-ended reading, type in “Whatever the Universe wants me to know right now!”